
Elstar Mantel®

Elstar Mantel® is an apple with a significantly crisper and harder pulp compared to Elstar Elshof®. The fruits ripen 5-10 days later compared to Elstar Elshof®. Because of the increasingly warmer summer months, a firmer and more robust apple adds a great value. A later ripening Elstar also has advantages for the growers.

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Research Randwijk Newsletter January 2020

Gala Magma®

Gala Magma® has an very early colouring and ripens one week earlier than Gala Must or similar mutations. The colour of Gala Magma® is even and intense bright and dark-red striped. Regarding to Gala Galaxy Selecta® and Gala Brookfield® the colouring of this mutant is better. Download brochure

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